Wednesday, March 18, 2020

How could a virus get into the nasal cavity?

The nose is the entrance door of the air in our body and intervenes in an essential event for survival: breathing.
Since breathing is vital, Mother Nature has provided us with an emergency channel that intervenes in the event of a blockage of the noseoral respiration. If it were not possible to breathe from the mouth we would risk dying suffocated even after a common cold.
Breathing through the mouth must be an exceptional event and of short duration, because the air flows that pass through this channel do not enjoy the effect of air conditioning provided by the nose. The breathing of non-conditioned air over time has serious repercussions on the lower airways (trachea and bronchi).
To give an idea of the quantities of air involved, it should be borne in mind that in an adult person, in a state of rest, pass through the nose about 6 l of air per minute, to reach 50-70l/minute, during intense physical efforts! The passage of such quantities of air is considerable work for the internal structures of the nose.

Monday, March 16, 2020

What is the meaning of sphenoid sinus mucosal thickening?

The best laymen's term would probably be “stuffiness”. All of the sinuses (look in an illustrated anatomy book) are lined with mucous membranes just like what is in your nose. Thickening is usually due to allergies, irritants like smoke or dust, or infections from bacteria or viruses. It may be chronic (which means present for a long time) or acute (shorter time, but not necessarily more severe). Rarely, thickening can be due to cancer. Hope this helps.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Can you get tinnitus from vamping?

Tinnitus is one of the possible side effects of PG consumption — not everyone gets it, but some do. If you’re getting tinnitus and you’re vamping, then you need to use less PG. If you buy commercial juice, you’re already getting a very high level of VG compared to PG, so you may have to start making your own liquid, and use nicotine in a VG base, and only flavours in VG base — there are a few flavour lines that offer VG-based flavours - so you can vale without any PG. Alternately, you could use lower wattage/temp to create less vapour, so you’re not getting so much vapour with each draw.

Trying to create weather by vamping can’t possibly be a good thing, and those who can vale that way without any unpleasant side effects are in the minority. Vamping is harm REDUCTION, not harm elimination, and creating/inhaling LESS vapour is always a good idea.