Friday, March 13, 2020

Can you get tinnitus from vamping?

Tinnitus is one of the possible side effects of PG consumption — not everyone gets it, but some do. If you’re getting tinnitus and you’re vamping, then you need to use less PG. If you buy commercial juice, you’re already getting a very high level of VG compared to PG, so you may have to start making your own liquid, and use nicotine in a VG base, and only flavours in VG base — there are a few flavour lines that offer VG-based flavours - so you can vale without any PG. Alternately, you could use lower wattage/temp to create less vapour, so you’re not getting so much vapour with each draw.

Trying to create weather by vamping can’t possibly be a good thing, and those who can vale that way without any unpleasant side effects are in the minority. Vamping is harm REDUCTION, not harm elimination, and creating/inhaling LESS vapour is always a good idea.

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